Juggling Duo Red Tango

We will make your event bright and memorable!

Please, note, for the moment a Cube Act is not available 

Juggling Duo video

Tap to The Best of Queen video

Tap Dance & Saxophone video

Cube Act video

 To watch our acts video , please, click on any of the pictures above.

We really want an event in your life to leave a vivid impression and unforgettable memories.

 We create a stylish atmosphere at festive events and we work on 100% for each of our clients!

 Do you want a stylish holiday shade? Do you prefer the classics? Do you need an intriguing look for your event? We will be glad to become a part of your ideas!

 We believe that each customer has his own taste, which deserves attention. 

That is why our acts are a variety of genres and styles.

Our Partners

Its a pleasure to work with

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